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Thursday, October 8, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award Part 4

You guys must wonder who I am paying for these awards!?! With the new FTLinkC disclosure laws, I am going to have to share (haha!) Seriously, though, I am SO thankful to Amy at Saving with Amy who awarded me another One Lovey Blog Award Here. I know you guys love Amy every week for her great Wal-Mart finds!
I also had a sweet write up from Kyle at Rather Be Shopping. The website name speaks it all. Look at Kyle's home page for a large list of stores and savings Here. This makes me ready to shop! His blog can be read Here. Thanks SOOO much Kyle.
In the past 3 days I have been awarded 5 awards!!! Thank you guys. I appreciate all my sweet blogging friends!
You can see them all Here, Here, and Here.
Okay no more, friends, or you are going to make my head explode - I don't need an inflated ego!
Thanks, everyone!

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